Friday 18 February 2011

joint statement of intent

My work from the summer project has developed from being about illusion to about people, I find people very interesting there are so many different types and stereotypes and groups of people everyone is unique. I have looked at loads of different subjects relating to people such as religion, pregnancy, stereotypes, body image, role models. Just to see what is most interesting about humans. I have looked at a few artists who relate to my early subject intentions:
- Body image- john Curran, who produces paintings in which you have to take a second look firstly they look innocent enough.
- Religion- Chris ofili, who looks at religious icons and changes them to show a different meaning.
- Role models- Richard Philips, known for his historic scale portraits copied from 1960-70s fashion magazines.
My early intention for my final major project is to produce large scale paintings influenced by the subject I am most interested in.
I aim to research more into my chosen subject and produce work relating to the most inspiring and hopefully get loads of ideas from my topic. I also wish to look deeper into my subject and consider the psychological, social and historical implications and how they will affect my work.
For example whilst looking at body image and role models I discovered that their are many mental disorders related to people trying to be their ‘ideal’ body weight such as eating disorders. Also I must be careful whilst looking at religion not to offend people and religion is such a touchy subject and when I produce work about religion I would like to get my point across cleverly without sounding to insensitive to people beliefs. Whilst looking at body image I would like to produce artwork that make mostly women feel good about their bodies and help with self confidence.

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