Saturday 19 February 2011

political correctness

I think that political correctness has gone too far i mean you can not say certain words anymore such as bar bar black sheep or ginger bread man or police woman. i think its gone stupid in our society it make people walk on egg shells scared about what to say. I produced 'white board/black board' i wanted to show people how silly it is not being able to say black board or white board after all white and black are just colours used in decribing object so after looking up dictonary definitions of these words i wrote the defintions or black and white on the boards and called it 'white board/black board' because that is what they are. i want to see if anyone takes offence or if it has all just gone too far.

spider diagram

i made another spider diagram about society as i ran out of ideas of what i can base my work on ive bled the trends idea dry. i started to look at not just the fashion side of our culture but the bigger things that ifluence our society such as racism, etticate, political correctness. people need to be reminded how be behave for example posters on bus to tell people not to play loud music not to be socially unexeptable. Some people do not have any manners and need to be reminded to be respectful. which gave me the idea of using signs like the artist Ghada Amer who uses signs in her work i think this may be an effective way to get my point across.

Is romance dead?

After seeing an article in the glamour magazine asking wether romance is dead. I thought about it and realized it is really it has changed through the years for example during the early 18th century their would be romantic love letters and poems written to whoever they were in love with but it has changed through history. Romance is not what it used to be
i will make a film about how times have changed through films. Films have become ruder and less romantic since they began leaving nothing to the imagination. It will hopefully show how society's changed and developed over the centuries.
I have also being looking at how times have changed through literature but i can not think of a effective way to display it.

Friday 18 February 2011

religion does not get took seriously anymore

while producing my jesus pictures some religious people started to get offended saying i was being disrespectful of religion. the idea behind it was to raise awareness of how they church is trying to make jesus seem 'cool or fashionable' the church shops sell these jesus bracelet to make money make jesus just a part of capalistism. my work was not making fun of jesus it was just showing how some people are making a mockery or a religous icon.
i wanted to show how some people do not take religion seriously anymore by getting people to graffiti on jesus pictures i was getting people involved. it made me wonder wether i could get people to graffiti another religious figure and see if that would have a bigger impact.

jesus pictures

jesus wearing sunglasses
jesus wearing rollers

My tongue in cheek jesus pictures developed into looking more at trends and incorporating them with jesus. I am making a comment on how people in our society are obssesed with the latest trends regardless of how redicous they look while sporting them. for example women in liverpool have decided that wearing rollers while walking around in public is perfectly exeptable. trends in magazines have a big influence on our society. i am making a comment on how people are not original anymore they are too easily influenced by society.

joint statement of intent

My work from the summer project has developed from being about illusion to about people, I find people very interesting there are so many different types and stereotypes and groups of people everyone is unique. I have looked at loads of different subjects relating to people such as religion, pregnancy, stereotypes, body image, role models. Just to see what is most interesting about humans. I have looked at a few artists who relate to my early subject intentions:
- Body image- john Curran, who produces paintings in which you have to take a second look firstly they look innocent enough.
- Religion- Chris ofili, who looks at religious icons and changes them to show a different meaning.
- Role models- Richard Philips, known for his historic scale portraits copied from 1960-70s fashion magazines.
My early intention for my final major project is to produce large scale paintings influenced by the subject I am most interested in.
I aim to research more into my chosen subject and produce work relating to the most inspiring and hopefully get loads of ideas from my topic. I also wish to look deeper into my subject and consider the psychological, social and historical implications and how they will affect my work.
For example whilst looking at body image and role models I discovered that their are many mental disorders related to people trying to be their ‘ideal’ body weight such as eating disorders. Also I must be careful whilst looking at religion not to offend people and religion is such a touchy subject and when I produce work about religion I would like to get my point across cleverly without sounding to insensitive to people beliefs. Whilst looking at body image I would like to produce artwork that make mostly women feel good about their bodies and help with self confidence.