Monday 6 June 2011

black with white stripes or white with black stripes?

The black with white stripes or white with black stripes series was part of an illusion project. I began experimenting with drawing animals and trying to change the way they are pecieved. Which then brought up the question "black with white stripes or...?"
these smaller stencils of the zebras do not really work very well as they look like striped black and white tigers.

BWWS or WWBS continued

'White with black stripes?' 2010 spray paint on paper

Enlarging the scale of my zebra meant that the detail when using my handmade stencils was less blurred and easier. the larger scale zebras are more effective at showing off my point when the public look at these pieces separately they do not really see the difference it is only when they view both pieces next to each other does the illusion become apparent.
'Black with white stripes?' 2010 spray paint on paper

further exploring leaves and morris

2007 experiments with wax and ink
  experiments with patterns following the style of William Morris and his use of repeated flowers and leaves. trying to explore different effective ways to show bright colours in a different way from the older style of Morris's wallpaper i wanted to use Morris's bright colours without being restricted with size or form.

2007 ink, acrylic and wax on paper  'morris leaves'

pattern that has been repeated
 these two smaller pieces are showing the pattern that has been repeated to make 'morris leaves' i have put one on top of a light box and the other lightened it up using photo editor you can further see the detail in the edited piece. I really enjoy using wax and ink and exploring repeated pattern they have something.

organic forms 'leaves'

2007 print 'untitled'

While exploring organic forms and found objects in college i became quite interested in leaves. Looking at william morris's patterned wallpapers i started printmaking and produced a number of pieces involving leaves and continuous patterns. I enjoyed using printmaking machines and would like to further experiment with this technique maybe exploring other objects instead of just organic forms or found objects.
2007 print 'falling down'

'shells' organic forms continued

2007 pastels on paper 'untitled'
Using pastels to display all the colours present
on this shell i tried to show shape and texture
these two drawing where produced in my first
week studying art and design at college.

2007 pastels on paper

'shells' organic forms

Using blobs of acrylic paint and a piece of card i scrapped the paint across the paper in the shape of the shell hoping to get the form of the shell in an unusual way.
2007 acrylic paint on paper 'shell'

life drawing

2008 ink and chalk on paper 'untitled'

Exploring the use of bold colour and lighter parts of the body in white chalk, ink and ink bloches.