Tuesday 22 March 2011

Liverpools social issue's

Liverpool’s social issues

Having lived in Liverpool all my life and noticing changes in society including etiquette, morals and conduct, I explored the public behaviour in Liverpool. I found four main subjects of interest which are: pregnancy, religion, role models and trends.

I explored pregnancy as it seems children and young adults are becoming pregnant sooner without any consideration for there well-being or the babies. Children are loosing their innocence they are growing up too fast

While exploring religion I found the subject too broad there are too many religions and I do not like the idea of telling people what to believe in I feel people should be allowed to make up there own mind. I do not feel they should be forced into believing in a religion, I am a not a religious person and I would never tell anyone what to believe in or insult someone if they were to believe in a certain aspect of religion.

I investigated role models role models play a huge part in young adults or children’s lives they look at footballers or actors as someone to look up to. Celebrities should be aware of their actions they should consider their audience and how easily influenced they can be.

Looking at trends was one of my favourite subjects as just as I delved into this subjects the infamous ‘Jesus bracelets’ had just become popular. I explored the Jesus bracelets and produced artwork about how the catholic churches were making Jesus into a fashion idol and not a religious icon as he should be.

perceptions people have.

In our society people have pre-percevied ideas and opinions about people. People judge strangers on stereotypes we all do it. People jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. For example they assume children in tracksuits are up to no good when they could have just been playing football in the park. People assume teenagers in big groups are just going to bahave antisocially and graffiti. people assume all teenagers will be drinking too young and having sexual relationships too young. Most people getting these ideas of how children and young adults behave from tabloid newspapers and propaganda about youths. I would like to show how people should not jump to conclusions and how one scene can be percieved as something else.