Friday 8 June 2012

religous seriously?

'fashion icon series' 2010 pastel on paper.
 'fashion icon series' 2010 pastel on paper.
 some religion is trying to be stylish and modern without thinking about the integiraty of the beliefs. people have started wearing 'jesus bracelets' as a fashion statement not as religous statement. religion does not get
took seriously anymore by the younger generations,
jesus is more like a fashion statement than a religous icon.
'wheres jesus' 2010 pastel on paper.

'fashion icon series' 2010 pastel on paper

'Endangered series'

'not cute enough' 2010

'Endangered' 2010
pencil on paper

'Endangered series' 2010
acrylics on paper

'The hunted' 2010
acrylics on paper

'Defensive' 2010
charcoal on paper

'Liverpool series'

'Liverpool at night' 2010
oil pastels on paper

'untitled' 2010
acrylic on collage

'radio city tower' 2010
pastels on paper

'William Brown street' 2008
watercolour on paper

'William Brown street' 2008
watercolour on paper

Cunard building series

The Cunard is one of the three grace buildings in Liverpool it was inspired by Italian palaces, and was designed by William e willink and Philip Coldwell Thicknesse. i based a project on it from my love of the architecture it is a aesthetically pleasing building and one of my favourites in Liverpool. 
'cunard building series' 2007 print on paper.

'cunard building series' 2007 print on paper

'cunard building series' 2007 print on tissue paper.
'cunard building series' 2007
 print on collage

'cunard building series' 2007
print on paper
'cunard building series' 2007
print on paper

life and death

apples have been associated with life all throughout history. when Christ is portrayed holding an apple it represents the second apple who bring life. Greek mythology tells of Heracles was required to pick a golden apple from the garden of hesperides tree of life. in Norse mythology the apple represents immortal life and was guarded by the gods. 'the life and death series' was inspired by the fruitful-ness of apples and how fast it rots away when it has been bitten into.
'life and death series' 2010
 pencil on paper
'life and death series' 2010
pastel on paper
'life and death series' 2010
charcoal on paper

'life and death series' 2010
pastel on paper

'life and death series' 2010
watercolour on paper

'life and death series' 2010
acrylic on paper
'life and death series' 2010
pastel and wax on paper

'untitled' 2009
oil pastels on paper

'untitled' 2009
 coloured pencil on paper

'life and death series' 2010
acrylic on paper

Thursday 7 June 2012

Bones 'organic forms'

2007 'jaw bone' pencil on paper

Looking at bones drawing them and trying to show texture. 
experimenting with organic forms, shadows and illusion. shadows are never really what they seem people get afraid when they see shadows sometimes as they are not what they appear to be.  i used leaves and white spray paint on black paper to see what shadows i could make. This experiment is similar to man- made vs natural.